hi sume...ni saye uploadkan gambar2 the latest order dr customer2 CHOCOLICIOUS dlm minggu lepas...
yang 2 box kt atas ni..order from KAK CT , UIA
die order 2 box (15 pcs + 9 pcs) dan minta pos ke office hubby die..
ekceli die nk bg present sempena birthday hubby die yg jatuh pd 27 jun..
so, thanx so much to KAK CT and hepi besday buat ABG WAN yg ke ???..heheh...rahsia..
* comment from kak ct.."coklat sedap + wrapping cantik..."
rita order 100pcs choc oreo nk request theme color biru turqoise + pink..
hmm...bile dh siap..nmpk cute kan choc ni...hehehehe
and..thanx so much ye rita...len kali bole order lgikkk...
* comment from rita...."sedap + cantik coklat ni.."
dia order 15pcs choc dgn filing blueberry + stawbery + nuts..juz utk makan2..
alhmdulillah..dh selamat smpai ke temerloh..
thanx yer..nti bole order lg...
* comment dr normarzita .... "choc sampai dgn selamat + sedap dan anak2 dia suke..kejap je da abis makan.."
24pcs colorful choc with mixed filing
die order as present utk supervisor tempat praktikal katanye..