spt biase..jom lyn gambar latest order....
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Salam sayang buat sume customer2 CHOCOLICIOUS... sonok ya, esok dah nk cuti CNY....leh cuti 4 hari kan...leh spend time with femily esp ngn anak2... n mesti ramai yg amik opportunity ni utk blk ke kg halaman....so hope hati2 la di jalan raye k...pandu cermat..jiwa pun selamat...
ape pun..CHOCOLICOUS nk introduce our new package utk wedding, engagement dan jgk birthday..so lets check it out...

* 100 kotak standard choc in gold case (1 kotak = 4pcs choc, so total 400pcs)
* 100 box of choc oreo
* 35 pcs standard choc untuk dijadikan hantaran (free wording ~ terpulang nk tulis ape k)
* free gift decided by CHOCOLICOUS

* 200 pack standard choc in soft box (1 pack = 2pcs choc, total 400pcs)
* 1 set choc box untuk dijadikan hantaran (saiz S)
* 20 box of choc oreo
* free gift decided by CHOCOLICOUS
* 50 pcs colorful lolichoc / 50 pcs teddy choc
* 2 box of 9 pcs standard choc + 1 pcs small besday card (can give ur wording)
* free gift decided by CHOCOLICOUS
take note: gambar yg tertera diatas hanye la sbg contoh sahaje yer..so sng la kwn2 sume nk gambarkan cmne la rupe coklat tu nti kan...color bole la request mengikut tema majlis masing2..walaubagai mana pun, pls make ur order awal2 k..at least 3 weeks b4 majlis...so sng la CHOCOLICOUS nk set time nk buat kan..xla terkejar2 nt..
jd, pade sesiape yg berminat...leh la contact cHOCOLICOUS...
call/sms : 0179251680
emel: umy.hawa@gmail.com
kalau nk quick response, call or sms je k....
~ xoxo ~
Posted by Kedai cekelat saye at 7:27 PM 0 comments
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